Cigar Geeks
A Community of Cigar Fanatics
Who is Cigar Geeks?
Cigar Geeks is a web site dedicated to the free exchange of knowledge related to Cigars and the enjoyment of their consumption. In particular we are focused on the information that gives our members a broader exposure to other members who share in this pleasure. This web site is made up of areas focused on these communal activities. While we have provided the foundation for the creating this community, we rely on member participation to keep the community flourishing.
How is this site supported?
The moderators of Cigar Geeks all work on a volunteer basis. There is no one collecting a paycheck here. We basically came up with the idea because of our frustrations of trying to find this type of community support and information in a single place on the web. We have all been in the industry for years and felt that we could share much of our knowledge and experience through this site.
Much of the content has been provided or suggested by community members. Members have the ability to submit new content in just about every area. This includes the Cigar Database and Reviews, Articles, Links, Box Passes, and of course most importantly - our extensive message forums. It has been our pride and joy to watch this community grow with the enthusiasm and efforts that our members have shown. Please keep up the excellent work! If you have a suggestion for an improvement for the community we would love to hear it.
That being said, we will be honest and tell you that in order to cover our costs of maintaining and improving this community, we do provide advertising space and have partnered with affiliates of online retailers. The goal of the advertising is obvious.
What does it cost?
Absolutely nothing! We will never charge anything to be a member on this site. After all it is the members who have helped to create this community and the content contained within it. We just enjoy doing this!
