Connecticut Valley Tobacco Historical Society
The Connecticut Valley Tobacco Historical Society was formed August 8, 1987 to help preserve the history and artifacts of cigar-tobacco-growing in the Connecticut River Valley. For many reasons, the acreage is now just over 2,000 and holding. Corporate roofs have replaced the white, billowing shade tents. The market is good for the wrapper still being grown, but a few quick changes could mark the end of a unique agriculture.
The story of this crop as it changed over the decades is a fascinating one and should be preserved! Who were the people who grew it and worked the fields? What were its effects upon the socio-economic status of Valley towns as labor supply and markets changed? What of the lesser known troubles with climate, diseases, insects, and storms that beset the crop each year? How was it grown and how have the tools and techniques changed?
The Connecticut Valley Tobacco Historical Society intends to provide a way to do the preserving of this story!
Through a wide membership in the society, we were able to gather information, and maintain interest. Through the construction of a Tobacco Culture Museum we house the equipment and records of this crop. Many people have already expressed an interest in preserving the history and artifacts of cigar-tobacco-growing in the Connecticut River Valley. We welcome all who may have had some connection with the crop whether working it, supplying it, or knowing someone who did. We also welcome research in utilizing the records and artifacts in the museum.
Home / General Information / About the Museum / Town of Windsor Visitor Information
P.O. Box 241, Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Phone: (860)285-1888
