Internet Cigar Group: The Cigar Smoker's FAQ
Revision 3.07 - 4/12/08
compiled by Bob Curtis, Internet Cigar Group
(all rights reserved)
Welcome to the Cigar Smoker's FAQ - a comprehensive guide to cigar smoking compiled from online resources including the newsgroup alt.smokers.cigars. Our FAQ is considered to be the definitive document on the pleasures of smoking by cybersmokers all over the world! This document represents the combined efforts of thousands of these cybersmokers, and is intended to provide clear information about our pleasures, and perhaps debunk a few of the myths surrounding cigar smoking along the way.
As always, any and all corrections, additions, or suggestions are welcome. Please address any new submissions to Bob Curtis This FAQ is available on the Web and in several useful forms via FTP at the following address:
on the Web: (always the latest version)
Download Text Version 3.01 via browser FTP:
Download Text Version 3.01 via anonymous FTP:
FTP to in the directory /pub
(The FAQ file is called cigarfaq.txt)
To display the text-only version properly in a word-processor, be sure to download the Text Version, available from: and set your font to a fixed-pitch, such as courier-new. This will insure neat columns and tables.
Download the new Printable version!
Print your own hard-copy of our famous FAQ. To download this new Adobe PDF version (created for the Internet Cigar Group by Douglas L Duncan), simply click on the link below:
Download our PDA version!
Yes, now you can carry our FAQ with you on any PDA computer!. All the details of our online FAQ and indexed and cross-referenced, as in the original HTML version. To download this super new version (created for the Internet Cigar Group by Leslie S. Russell), simply click on the link below: (NOTE: Users of certain browsers may have to RIGHT-CLICK on the link and then click on "Save As" to download the file correctly)
Windows Help File version!
Yes, now you can host a Windows 3.1 or Windows95 version of our FAQ right on your home or office computer!. All the details of our online FAQ indexed and cross-referenced in the classic Windows "Help" style. To download this super new version (created for the Internet Cigar Group by Scott W. Arnold), simply click on the link below: (NOTE: Users of certain browsers may have to RIGHT-CLICK on the link and then click on "Save As" to download the file correctly)
I have intentionally excluded opinions of specific cigars, as these are a matter of personal taste. For a relatively complete list of cigars (without ratings), pick up my most recent Cigar Database, available at:
Cigar Database on the WWW:
New, Interactive version, allows sorting and online look-ups.
Text Version for downloading and printing your own copy.
or by anonymous FTP:
FTP to in the directory /pub/
(The ascii database is called cigardb.txt,
the comma-delimited version is
Our readers have also compiled a number of other reference resources for cigar smokers on the 'net. These can all be found at the largest, non-commercial cigar site on the Internet:
The Internet Cigar Group
Many a.s.c. readers have contributed (sometimes without knowing!) to the creation of this FAQ. I didn't feel it necessary to attribute short clips from contributors, however when an entire section was contributed by a single author, I've tried to attribute it correctly. If you feel that your contribution was not properly credited, please tell me about it!
Table of Contents:
1.0 The Internet and Cigars
1.1 Alt.smokers.cigars (Usenet newsgroup)
1.2 IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
1.3 Compuserve Cigar Forum
1.4 America OnLine Cigar Forum
1.5 Web sites, FTP, and more....
1.6 Cigars and Computers
2.0 General Information
2.1 New Smokers' questions
2.1a Selecting the perfect single
2.2 Cutters and Lighting
2.2a Ashes, Ashtrays
2.3 Smoke Rings
2.4 Cigar Styles and Sizes
2.5 Construction - The Parts of a Cigar
2.6 Wrappers Types
2.7 Body, strength, flavor, and blends
2.7a Descriptive terms
2.8 Tobacco Production
2.9 The Law and Cuban Cigars...
3.0 Health Issues
3.1 Health FAQ
3.4 Insurance
4.0 Storage
4.1 Aging your Cigars
4.2 Humidors
4.3 Building Wood Humidors
4.3a Commercial sources of Spanish Cedar
4.4 Wood finishing
4.4a Sealing the interior
4.4b Oil Finishing
4.4c Staining and Urethane Finishes
4.5 Tupperdors, Igloodors
4.6 Converting Furniture into humidors
5.0 Humidification
5.0a The Myth of Varying Humidity...
5.1 Humidifying devices (Credos)
5.2 Using Propylene Glycol to regulate humidity
5.3 Other suitable Chemicals
5.4 Oasis materials
5.5 Suitable credo containers
6.0 Hygrometers
6.1 Checking your Hygrometer Calibration
6.2 Radio Shack #63-855/63-1013 Calibration
6.3 Older Radio Shack units
6.4 The Airguide Digital Hygrometer
6.5 The Bionaire Digital Hygrometer
6.6 Analog Hygrometers
7.0 Trouble?
7.1 Bloom or Mold?
7.2 Soggy Stogies
7.3 My humidor isn't at 70%
7.4 Worms (lacioderma - the tobacco beetle)
8.0 References
8.1 800 Numbers
8.2 Seconds (segundos)
8.3 Web Sites
8.4 Glossary
8.5 Reference books
8.6 Cuban Cigars references
8.6a Cuban Authenticity
8.6b Cuban Factory, brands, names
